These tools can assist a person with disability if they need to go to the hospital. These documents have been developed to help frontline healthcare staff understand the needs of the person with disability when they present to the hospital. Read through and decide the best option for you, then complete the information for your needs.
The COVID-19 Hospital Companion
The COVID-19 companion helps to convey important personal information to health professionals. It can be used as a communication tool, empowering people with a disability in their healthcare needs.
People with disability can complete this form alone or with the help of a support person and provide it to frontline health workers to make sure health workers understand their needs. It includes:
- personal details
- details of key support people
- the best form of communication
- health information
- medicine information
Coronavirus (COVID-19) hospital companion for people with disability - PDF
Coronavirus COVID-19 Hospital Companion for People with Disability - Word
My Health Matters Folder
This Easy Read document was created to improve communication between people with an intellectual disability and their healthcare providers.
The My Health Matters folder is made by people with an intellectual disability for people with disability.
- It lets people know if you use an app, a picture board, sign language, or voice to communicate.
- It will help you explain if you need someone to stick to one topic at a time.
- It has a place for you to write your questions for the doctor.
CID Video.
You can order your folder here from Council for People with Disability. Or you can download a copy to print.
My Health Matters Folder - PDF
Admission 2 Discharge (A2D) Folder
The purpose of the A2D Together Folder is to help hospital staff provide patient-centred care when a person with a cognitive disability is admitted to hospital.
The A2D Folder provides information to improve their hospital journey, from Admission2Discharge.
You can download and print pages to make the folder. It is made up of
- Personal details
- Medications
- Strategies for Support
- Hospital Support Plan
For more information and to download see A2D Folder.
Julian’s Key
A similar tool is available for Queensland and is currently under a trial period; it is called Julian’s Key.
It is a 19-page document, broken into three sections.
- Things you must know.
- Things that are useful.
- Likes and Dislikes.
It gathers more detailed information and includes an area for a photograph.
It is available as a mobile application download for free from the Apple Store or Google Play, an editable PDF and a paper-based form.
The focus of the trial will be on the client’s experience of the tool and health staff’s perceptions of its usefulness in supporting person-centred care.
Julian's Key Health Passport - PDF
NDIS and health working together
The Summer Foundation has put together a guide to assist health and NDIS staff to work with people with disabilities. Another admission to discharge resource.
NDIS and health working together link.
For people with Down Syndrome and families
Down Syndrome Australia has developed a Health Toolkit about Hospital Stays, Finding the right GP, and Health Records - About Me.
Down Syndrome Australia Resources.
Australian Government Australian Digital Health Agency and CID
My Health Record
A booklet all about My Health Record. PDF
IDEAS does information so you can do life.