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Man sitting on his back verandah

Marlon Noble was accused of sex crimes and, despite no trial and no conviction, spent 10 years behind bars. He was released last year after no evidence was found, but he is on strict conditions and is under permanent watch.

Young woman in a clothing store

Stella Young and Madeleine Sobb are interested in fashion but find many shops or fitting rooms are inaccessible to wheelchairs. Both achieved access, using Twitter and the Australian Human Rights Commission respectively.

Stella Young on stage in her wheelchair

Comedian Stella Young discusses how "inspirational porn" objectifies people with disability for others' benefit.

Picture of people riding bikes at the disability sport recreation festival

We’re here at the Disability Sport and Recreation festival in Melbourne today to find out about the great range of sports on offer for people of all abilities.

Equal access to sport is important because it allows you to connect with your community, connect with your peers, and I’ve made the best friends through sport that I’ve ever made.

Assessing the NDIS on a green background

The ECEI approach supports children aged 0-6 years who have a developmental delay or disability, and their families/carers. The ECEI approach supports families to help children develop the skills they need to take part in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout their life.

Victoria standing with a colleague arm in arm in the cafe that they work in.

This is a story about Victoria who is working in the Hub Cafe every Thursday and is enjoying the opportunity to work and be able to socialise. 

Image of Australia in all different colours, with a new national system written across

This video is an introduction to the NDIS.

Picture of three pictures being displayed one with a lady with a guide dog walking down the street one with a young boy and one with a boy and a man looking at a plant

One of the first priorities identified by newly-elected Prime Minister Scott Morrison was addressing failures in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). While the system works for some, for others it's been hit and miss.

Justin's success story about obtaining a job in a school and arranging suitable transport to get him to and from work. A story of being able to be employed with a disability.

Andrew was able to find a place to live independently using his NDIS funding for equipment that he needs for everyday living. Andrew is very high care and has a traumatic brain injury, having an NDIS package has allowed him to have his own place to call home.