
Accessibility Tools

Image of boy swinging on monkey bars

Schools are set up for students who can see. But around 3,000 school-aged children in Australia have a vision impairment – 300 of these have a severe vision impairment or are blind. These children are generally educated in mainstream schools, sometimes with little support for their needs.

Image of homeless man sitting on a the side of a footpath.

The NDIS system relies on vulnerable people contacting them for help. However, many Australians with psychosocial disability experiencing homelessness are not reaching out to the NDIS, as their daily needs and priorities take precedence over seeking out assistance for their mental needs.

Image of businessman's hand writing on paper

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established on 4 April 2019 by the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retired).

Image of elderly couple looking at a laptop computer inside their home.

Home Care Packages enable elderly people to remain at home for longer while still receiving the necessary care services. However, they can be difficult to understand and navigate.

Image of elderly man and little girl colouring in together

Intergenerational playgroups are a fun, safe and educational way for children, parents, caregivers and older Australians to join together through a fun weekly activity to learn and connect through play. 

Image of smiling Aboriginal man sitting on a couch with his leg crossed.

Kidney disease is the leading cause of hospitalisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The kidneys are a vital part of the body, removing waste from the system and keeping the body healthy and properly functioning.

Image of the word dementia spelled out by wooden blocks with letters on them. The blocks are positioned on a window sill.

Creating a home environment that is safe and promotes independence for someone with dementia can be a challenging task.  However, by understanding how dementia affects someone, the house can be altered accordingly to ensure that the person is able to perform everyday tasks as safely and independently as possible.

Gardening has many health and therapeutic benefits for people with disability and older people. Garden beds, equipment and tools can all be modified to create an accessible garden. Read the accessible gardening tips here.

Graphic of a person in a wheelchair in front of a ramp a steps

People with disability face barriers to travel every day. IDEAS is here to provide information that supports your travel decision-making, based on your individual needs.

Image of a microphone at a lectern in a formal inquiry chamber

Bill Shorten MP, Shadow Minister for the NDIS and former Opposition Leader, has reiterated the disability sector’s calls for two disability royal commissioners to be stood down due to a “recent, extensive and significant” conflict of interest.