- Hits: 25385
Do you have a question about Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Do you need help because things have changed?
Contact the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.
- Hits: 38365
Since 2020, COVID and the cost of natural disasters including the worst fires and floods in living memory, have all had a massive and long lasting impact on our economy. IDEAS have put together a series of articles to help you to manage your money in these challenging times.
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While we are all at home more because of COVID-19, people are beginning to make more of their purchases online. Some people are not confident when making purchases online, and some are overly confident. Making a digital transaction can be scary and you need to be careful. Here are some ways to stay safe and smart when shopping online.
- Hits: 21140
If you are unemployed and receiving a payment from Centrelink, there are things you need to do to keep getting your payments and to improve your chances of finding work.
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Masks are considered a tool to protect ourselves and each other from Coronavirus. We try and bring together all the info you need about masks in one place. Communication needs, Autism and Masks, fogging, making, wearing and washing face masks; and the lawful reasons that masks are not needed.
- Hits: 10021
We all have the same priorities. We are all people doing our best to look after our families. We stay at home when we can. But, medical emergencies happen, life happens, and sometimes we still must travel. So, how can we travel safe?
- Hits: 14033
Armchair travel has existed for centuries. In the wake of COVID-19, the concept is taking on a fresh direction. Digital travel is the new way to ramble the world as we recover. As the travel and tourism collective plan to regenerate, the use of digital media to entice travellers in the interim has shown to be strategic, and that benefits us all.
- Hits: 34368
No-interest loans are available through some government programs and charities to help people on low incomes get by in times of financial hardship.
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In learning about COVID-19 and the capability of the virus to live on surfaces for extended periods, the implications for cohorts of people with a disability such as wheelchair users require some extra care. More than a case of frequently washing your hands, you need to also clean your wheelchair and components.
- Hits: 36646
With the recent emergencies we have faced, the need to be prepared is again highlighted. Bushfires, Floods and a Pandemic. If you need to evacuate in a hurry, or you may be without power and clean drinking water, a little planning now will spare you precious time.
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