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Connections2022 Webinar

Friday, 21 October 2022 at 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Online Event

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The National Mental Health Commission in partnership with People with Disability Australia would like to invite you to a Connections2022 online forum dedicated to people living with a disability.

What's it about?

The Connections2022 program includes visiting and talking to 37 communities around Australia, as well as a series of Online Forums to understand each communities’ experiences of mental health and suicide.  

We recognise that not all people feel safe talking in a face-to-face community conversation in their local community and so have developed a series of online community conversations that are designed to provide a safe space to hear from and understand considerations for specific population groups who are impacted by mental health and suicide.  

When is it?

We invite all people living with a disability to share their views through an online conversation on Friday, 21st October  

Friday, 21 October 2022  

2:00 – 3:30pm AEDT  

How do I attend?

Register to attend here: 

Register to attend

The online forum will be held on Zoom, making the online conversation accessible to people regardless of where they live in Australia.  

More info

The Commission is committed to understanding the core competencies required of the mental health workforce to better support the mental health and well-being of people living with a disability. Your voice is vital to understanding what is and isn’t working and if real and impactful change is being made for people living in communities across Australia. By sharing your experience, you can help the Commission, build evidence to shape outcomes for future national mental health and suicide prevention reform.  

Panellists on the webinar -

  • Nicole Lee
  • Clare Fibellini, People with Disability
  • Andrew Fairbairn, Physical Disability Australia

Participants will have an opportunity to contribute to the discussion online through an interactive digital platform and via web chat. Contributions will be considered and responded to by three panel members who represent people living with a disability’s experience of the mental health and suicide prevention systems and/or have a lived experience specific to them. The Online Forum and panel discussion will be with Commission’s CEO, Christine Morgan.  

Information gathered throughout the Forum will be used to inform future work of the Commission, provide advice to Government on systems improvements and develop the National Outcomes Framework.  


pdfConnections2022 Webinar invite ]PDF]