
Accessibility Tools

Australian bank notes, a calculator, magnifying glass and pen

No-interest loans are available through some government programs and charities to help people on low incomes get by in times of financial hardship. 

In learning about COVID-19 and the capability of the virus to live on surfaces for extended periods, the implications for cohorts of people with a disability such as wheelchair users require some extra care. More than a case of frequently washing your hands, you need to also clean your wheelchair and components.

Image of First Aid Kit, Water Bottles, Batteries, radio and torch

With the recent emergencies we have faced, the need to be prepared is again highlighted. Bushfires, Floods and a Pandemic. If you need to evacuate in a hurry, or you may be without power and clean drinking water, a little planning now will spare you precious time.

mint green rotary phone on a desk

The National Debt Helpline provides free, confidential and independent financial counselling for any Australian who is experiencing financial difficulty.

Australian 50, 100, 20, 10 and 5 dollar notes

Since 2020, COVID and the cost of natural disasters including the worst fires and floods in living memory, have all had a massive and long lasting impact on our economy. IDEAS have put together a series of articles to help you to manage your money in these challenging times.

Syringe, vaccine bottle and calendar

As we are coming in to the cooler months, both COVID-19 and Influenza A (the Flu) cases are likely to increase dramatically. Both respiratory illnesses can be very dangerous and even fatal, and it's best to be protected, for your own sake and for others. 

person wearing blue surgical gloves applies a band-aid to a patient's arm

A booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is now recommended for some at-risk groups. A booster should also be considered for adults and children over 5 with risk factors.

girl holding her soapy hands up

Here are some simple ways to take care of yourself and your community even though COVID-19 restrictions have stopped.

A young girl with disability is laying in the grass, she has her eyes closed, is smiling with her hands partly covering her face.

The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread and has changed the way many things work. While we know it has been a challenging time for some people with a disability, there have also been some positive changes that have happened.

Child with cochlear implant sitting alongside an adult, learning

COVID-19 has changed the education landscape in Australia. Lockdowns, School Closures, restrictions, all impact our children's education, and daily changes take place. For parents of children with a disability, we gather some resources to help you make informed choices and tips to help you.