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Stepping Stones Triple P Seminars

Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Online Event

Cost: $106.31* per session or $318.92* for the full program

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Stepping Stones Triple P is designed specifically for parents of children aged 2 to 12 years with additional needs and can help to reduce emotional and behavioural problems in children. The seminars tackle the most common issues for parents of children with a disability. Each seminar takes just 90 minutes, and you can choose to do one, two or all three. All you need is a tablet or computer to join these seminars! Never done an online seminar? Don’t worry! We will talk you through it.


Stepping Stones is a world-renowned parenting program. Stepping Stones Triple P is a specially designed parenting program for parents of a child with disability.

Stepping Stones Triple P recognises that raising a child with disability creates challenges and extra stresses on the family. Stepping Stones Triple P is all about helping parents feel more confident and competent in their parenting. It can help you to manage behavioural problems and developmental concerns in children with disabilities, so all the family can benefit.

Wednesday 7, 14 and 28 June 2023, 7:00–8:30pm

  • Seminar 1: Positive Parenting for Children with a Disability
  • Seminar 2: Helping your Child Reach Their Potential
  • Seminar 3: Changing Problem Behaviour Into Positive Behaviour

Presented by: Qualified Stepping Stones presenter and early interventionist with extensive experience supporting children with disability and their families.

Cost: $106.31* per session or $318.92* for the full program

*Based on NDIS pricing arrangements.

Booking Essential:
RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (02) 9923 2727
The costs of this program can be covered using NDIS funding.