The Disability Royal Commission is seeking submissions from people with disability, their families, carers, supporters and disability organisations in response to issues papers on Safeguards and quality, Violence and abuse in the home and Promoting inclusion.
Skip to: Safeguards and quality | Violence and abuse in the home | Promoting inclusion | Support Services | More info
Safeguards and quality
The issues paper on Safeguards and quality is asking the public to share their views about how people with disability experience safeguards, what promotes quality in services, and how these may prevent and reduce their exposure to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
The issues paper asks 11 questions to help people and organisations to provide responses. The paper is available in Easy Read, PDF and DOCX.
Respond by 1 February 2021. Contact details here.
Violence and abuse of people with disability in the home
The issues paper on Violence and abuse of people with disability at home is asking the public to share their views about how people with disability experience violence and abuse where they live.
The issues paper asks 13 questions to help people and organisations to provide responses. The paper is available in Easy Read, PDF and DOCX.
Respond by 26 February 2021. Contact details here.
Support Services
Talking and thinking about violnece and abuse can be upsetting and triggering. If you need help, refer to Royal Commission support services.
More information
Overview: Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability