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This Auslan video from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services with closed captions describes the impact of masks for communication for people who are Deaf or have a hearing impairment.
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Dr Jean Fizzell from NSW Health outlines how to put on and take off a mask safely with Auslan translations and closed captions.
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This video is about what you can do to stop the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is a virus that has made lots of people sick all around the world.
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Allison McMillan, Australia’s Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, covers common concerns for Disability Support Workers and demonstrates how and when to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for disability support workers.
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This animation with text, developed by the World Health Organisation describes how to wear a fabric mask safely.
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A video of how to make a cloth face mask, from The Social Studio, is recommended by DHHS via their youtube channel.
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This video from the 10th July 2020 is the Victorian Chief Health Officer speaking about wearing of cloth face masks.
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This World Health Organisation (WHO) video discusses when and how to wear a face mask.
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Coronavirus can be more serious for older Australians, but we can help to protect those most at risk. Watch this video to learn more.
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Coronavirus is most likely to spread from person to person when we come into close contact with one another. We can all help stop the spread by keeping our distance. Watch this video for useful tips.