The NDIA agreed to a ‘Full Scheme Launch’ date of 1 July 2016. Full Scheme Launch marks the completion of the Scheme Trial phase. Transition to Full Scheme is the period between the end of trials and Full Scheme.
As set out in our engagement letter dated 9 August 2016, the Department of Social Services (DSS) requested PwC, as an independent reviewer, to assess the following: 1. whether the ICT system has been built according to the agreed business case and government outcomes, including the NDIA Participant and Provider Portals, the Participant Plan components and Payment Engine, to ensure it meets the requirements set out for transition and Full Scheme 2. identification of any limitations in the ICT system and gaps for further development 3. the adequacy of the NDIA’s practices and business processes to date in implementing the ICT system, including the sufficiency of communications and other supports designed to assist participants and providers with the use of the new system, training of NDIA staff and the sufficiency of the NDIA’s response to the issues arising from deployment of the new ICT system. This document presents our findings and recommendations from our review of the above items. The scope of our review did not include any assessment of previous government decisions regarding delivery timeframes and options for the Scheme.
Resource: Australian Government - Department of Social Services
Download: National Disability Insurance Scheme MyPlace Portal Implementation Review – Final Report