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The #StandByMe campaign for continued funding for advocacy, information and representation for people with disability living in NSW has gained momentum in the lead up to the end of 2017. With over 20,000 signatures on the online petition.

People with disability have the same drive and need as everyone else to belong, and to contribute their talents in the places where they live, work, love and play. But for many people with disability, life can be hard not because of the disability, but because of the way society responds to the disability. People with disability can be excluded, mistreated, or seen as a problem first and a person second.

It can be hard for people with disability to do the everyday things other Australians take for granted: go to school, see a doctor, catch a bus, get a job, or pay bills.

Without a seat at the table, champions to fight on their behalf or experts on their side, it is a whole lot harder for people with disability to belong, and for communities to enjoy the full benefits of everyone’s voice, agency and participation.

Disability advocacy organisations undertake both individual and systemic advocacy as well as information provision, representation and capacity building. Their key priority is to protect and uphold the rights of people with disability.

If you would like to support the campaign and are wondering how to, here are a few ideas:

  • Sign the online petition to The Premier: go to standbyme.org.au
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a pack of ‘Stand by Me postcards’ and get your friends to sign them then mail them off to The Premier!
  • Visit your local member of parliament and tell them why you need access to independent disability advocacy, information and peak representation organisations in NSW.