The nutritional needs of people change as they age and appetites can decline for a number of reasons.
Most of the discussion about the ageing population is around housing and health issues. This program looks at the task of feeding the aged and how nutritional needs and appetites change as people get older. Older people require more protein, calcium and vitamin D because as they age, their bodies become less efficient at absorbing key nutrients. The appeal of a meal and making it easier to eat are also considered. Malnutrition in aged care is a serious problem and can exacerbate existing illness and create conditions for others to develop.
Rebecca Huntley talks with Cherie Hugo a Brisbane-based dietitian, Dr Genevieve Steiner a cognitive neuroscientist with the NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University, Pat Sparrow CEO Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA), John Robertson Executive General Manager of Foodbank NSW/ACT and Meagan Lawson CEO of COTA (Organisation representing Older Australians) and Peter Kenny food retail researcher.
Producer: Karin Zsivanovits
ABC Radio National Future Tense
Duration: 28mins 57secs
Broadcast: Sunday 16 September 2018, 7 am
Resource: ABC