Stop the Berejiklian Government Hanging up on Paul - Click here to sign the petition
Paul rings IDEAS from a pay phone. He has been doing this for years, getting help with day to day problems and getting the information he needs to get on with his life.
“They actually open the world up to me”.
IDEAS has been there for Paul and more than 700,000 people who call us every year.
Listening, supporting and helping people find their way through a tough or tricky time. Answering the phone and saying, ‘how can I help you today?”
But because of government cuts, from July this year, we won’t be able to answer the phone for Paul or anyone else that needs help. Right now, Gladys Berejiklian the NSW Premier can choose to use public money so that IDEAS is always at the end of the line when people with a disability need them.
“For the price of a cup of coffee, each person with a disability in the State can have access to free, top quality information,” says Ms. Palmer, with IDEAS needing just $3.5 million to keep the phone answered.
Today we are sending Premier Berejiklian a message asking her to make sure IDEAS can be there.
We want her to know that our community works better when people have the information they need. Please add your voice to our petition telling Gladys B to make sure IDEAS can be there to answer the phone for Paul and everyone else when they need it the most.
Help keep independent information services alive as part of NSW commitment to people with a disability. Gladys Berejyklian can show that Paul and all people with disability in NSW matter.
#DontHangUpGladys - Click here to sign the petition
Thanks for your support,
Executive Officer Diana Palmer
Marketing Manager Jenelle Becker
Chair of the Board, Martin Heng
and all of us from the Team at IDEAS